Thesis Ideas

Going forward into developing Ideas Towards a thesis topic, the topic of animated commentary is one that has a growing prominence in the genre and has areas of consideration for reflection growth. For a potential final major project I am looking into creating an animated interview style documentary in which anonoimity can be persevered but a topic can be outlined.

Other areas of interest include cinematography and colour grading as non verbal metaphor in storyline development. This includes non Verbal communication such as moments of silence in place of dialogue, and implications of physical movement.

Reading list for the weeks ahead (Documentary):

  • Blurred Boundaries- Bill Nichols
  • Representing Reality- Bill Nichols
  • Animated Realism: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Animated Documentary Genre- Judith Kriger
  • Drawn from Life: Issues and Themes in Animated Documentary Cinema- Johnathon Murray and Nea Ehrlich

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