Generating Ideas for my Final major project I have decided to commit and develop an interview-style documentary which I will use in support of my thesis to track viewer engagement with re-enacted personal experience. For this premise project, I would like to develop my facial/ body performance and lip-sync animation to a higher level and truly begin to understand the building blocks of creating an effective animation. For this week I have taken interviews from a variety of my friends with different lifestyles and asked how they spent their time in lockdown and how this had affected their overall life experiences.

In order to aid my thesis survey, I have taken these interviews with varying qualities of camera equipment. Different lighting and times of the day to see which a viewer would engage with more, and compare this to a developed performance I will adapt in differing styles of animation. For the next 10 weeks, I intend to adapt 2-3 different audios of these interviews to explore different stylistic approaches to how I will create my final major project next term.

Tasks for Next week
Expanding on these interviews, I will start to consider how I will adapt these into animation aesthetically and theoretically.
- Research into documentary forms
- Research into aesthetic Styles
- Concept works