Thesis Proposal Task 1

Consider the following questions and try to provide brief answers on your blog for next week.

On graduation which area or environment of production do you wish to focus upon and why?

Upon graduating with this master’s degree I wish to go into character animation or previsualization however I have a deep interest in independently created films that expand and differentiate themselves from mainstream productions.

What skills will you need to attain the standards required for vocational practice?

My primary focus intends to be on studying character animation, by also the stylisation and adaptability of character animation aesthetics are used in various contexts.

How will you showcase your FMP practice for the final shows?

I intend to explore various different visual styles and types of animated methods and compare these to the final completed work in a showreel to show progression within this body of this work and the thought processes in order to reach it.

Is it important to directly connect the thesis research to your practical work?

I think, with my intended goal, it will be important to utilise my thesis research to understand which areas and styles of animated work engage a viewer the most. This should aid and help my overall product’s consumer validity while simultaneously (and hopefully) pushing boundaries on visual mainstream acceptance.

Do you have an area of research you wish to conduct that is unrelated to the practical elements?

I am very interested in narrative and story developments, and also how these can ve applied in various contexts. For example when re-creating a factual depiction with narrative elements in a documentary setting, it explores a line between fact and fiction that creates emotional stimulus.

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