Friday Workshop Week 1: Storyboarding and Staging

This term involvement requires two 30- 120 second stories to be created, and the most vital starting point to this is idea conception and storyboarding. This provides a means for you to plan and assess how you wish the film to look shot-wise as well as plan initial staging and on-screen concepts. During this initial workshop, we were tasked to draw a quick storyboard to begin potentially progressing an idea to being conceptualised around.

First Storyboard Concept

The General Concept of the story is two cowboys are about to duel with guns over the last can of beer. They dramatically set up to walk 10 steps to turn and shoot, however just as they turn around, an eagle swoops down and steals the can, leaving the two cowboys to stare up in confusion. I think as a concept this works well timing-wise however, In order to create two relatively detailed cowboy models and rigs I would have to have a lot of time, and due to the limitations of time I have to complete the project, I have many challenges to tackle producing this into 3D content.

Storyboard 2

My secondary idea very quickly summarises an idea of several characters who compete in a ‘dance contest’ but when a contest makes an error, a trap door opens beneath them and they are out of the contest. Taking this into consideration for production, I could create the same rig dancing against each other to save modelling and rigging time and also use a more limited and stylized method of character animation that doesn’t replicate the imitative and smooth nature of Disney and Pixar character animations.

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